Saturday, 15 June 2013

Saturday Study - very little, a fight to learn something basic

How Saturday started

Like everyday I have big plans for learning on the weekend.
Like most Fridays I stay up late watching youtube videos..

The Result = waking up late and having little motivation!! Does anyone else sympathize?

My plan for today was to learn some python. I have a long hate relationship with coding, so python is my way to force it into a friendship

I have been going through, which is a great free interactive python tutorial websites. Lots of tutorials great for beginners like me!!!

So I have been plowing along, and come to the functions section. All nice and easy, but wait functions within functions and then a 3rd function call the prior 2, of which the 2nd would add a string onto the result of the first function. Complicated enough for you? Don't worry I was like "draw drop".

Anyhow good news I passed it... After being like wtfomgbbq.

 The exercise was:


In this exercise you'll use an existing function, and while adding your own to create a fully functional program.
  1. Add a function named list_benefits()- that returns the following list of strings: "More organized code", "More readable code", "Easier code reuse", "Allowing programmers to share and connect code together"
  2. Add a function named build_sentence(info) which receives a single argument containing a string and returns a sentence starting with the given string and ending with the string " is a benefit of functions!"
  3. Run and see all the functions work together!

 self note: OMG the copy paste works amazing in BACKTRACK

# Modify this function to return a list of strings as defined above
def list_benefits():

# Modify this function to concatenate to each benefit - " is a benefit of functions!"
def build_sentence(benefit):

def name_the_benefits_of_functions():
    list_of_benefits = list_benefits()
    for benefit in list_of_benefits:
        print build_sentence(benefit)


in which the answer was

# Modify this function to return a list of strings as defined above
def list_benefits():
    return ("More organized code", "More readable code", "Easier code reuse", "Allowing programmers to share and connect code together")
# Modify this function to concatenate to each benefit - " is a benefit of functions!"
def build_sentence(benefit):
    return benefit +" is a benefit of functions!"

def name_the_benefits_of_functions():
    list_of_benefits = list_benefits()
    for benefit in list_of_benefits:
        print build_sentence(benefit)


Now the red + sign was the hardest part. Like the answer looks obvious and bloody easy.

I originally had  the function 

# Modify this function to concatenate to each benefit - " is a benefit of functions!"
def build_sentence(benefit):
    return benefit ," is a benefit of functions!"

Now having a  "," instead of a + gives a massively different ouput.

Instead of the first function string having the 2nd function string concatenated together  which you think would happen. It turns into a bloody tuple!!  As a beginner I was stunned, that was the omgwtfbbq moment, over and over I could only get the tuple printed out, it would include both strings with brackets around them with single quotes. So a tuple of the objects, instead of the objects. Not sure if I used the correct terminology.

So you can see the difference. Which seems quite obvious, but to a begginer the trials and tribulations to understand it was not obvious. I asked a good friend on Facebook for advice, he is much more skilled and established than I.

Hopefully this post helps other noobs to understand that many simple things will make you *facepalm* yourself when you figure it out...

Cheers Haydn

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