Hi everyone,
Sorry for no post since Wednesday. The week flew! You know those weeks you wake up Monday dreading it, each day is a struggle, then bang its the weekend, and already the weekend is almost over?? Yeah.. one of those weeks.
So I have been very excited to do this $100 (yes that was the price!) course, that has 2 days of 5 hours instructor lead on network scanning and web application testing. It also comes with lab access until the end of June. Fantastic for $100 bucks I say.
The course was through strategicsec with Joseph Mcray whose twitter is @j0emccray, having to manually link it because the Twitter could not find him.. The website/company he runs is http://strategicsec.com/.
Pentesters Weekend Bootcamp:
So this course I signed up for seemed great, I even posted on twitter asking if it was for beginners and was told it was. Was the course for beginners you may ask? Definitely yes, but also no. No because holy moly there was some stuff that was over my head, but in saying that there is no point doing a course to learn what you already know.
It was a little over my head, but you have resources to go through later, the instructor lead time is recorded and given to you, so you can go back rewind, pause, rewind again (I am sure I will do that many times) and follow along at your own pace.
Different Topics
We covered many topics for Networks. External scanning, internal scanning, Metasploit and lots of other stuff. Additionally what to do once into a system, such as creating administrator rights.
Http load balancing and what to do if that is the case was great to see, it was important to understand what to do before you even compromise a system. As this can save so much time over just pot shotting off into know where trying to compromise.
The instructor Joseph was friendly and involved the online students interactively, we finished and hour and a half early because there was not as many questions as normal. Which is a good thing, allowing so much time for student questions and interactivity really makes the day stand out.
Death by power point?
The well known death by power point was avoided, a mix of powerpoint and live demo's was used. The live demos were run through very quickly, although it probably only felt that way because for us Aussies it was Midnight- 5am, a hard time to focus at the best of times. However in saying that the presentation was recorded, the magic notepad he used for all the commands were to be supplied as well.
So over all a great first day (night for me). I have not had experience with other instructor lead webinars before, but have youtubed many a course. So far I already feel the $100 is great value. It will be most worth it if I make use of the labs as much as possible.
Look forward to tonight's web app section!!
Hope you enjoyed my quick review.
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