Saturday 18 March 2017

Tripwire Blog Posts

I realized I don't have a centralized place of links for all my 'guest' blogging. So here are my Tripwire ones :).

This one was the inspiration for my BsidesSLC talk. Pretty cool how things can snowball from one another. Basically someone from BsidesSLC liked the post and said be cool if it was turned into a talk. So I did.

I was slowly getting more momentum on researching Purple Teaming / Colalboration and I was seeing a lot of us verse them with regard to Red and Blue. So I wrote this post to try to break those walls down.

Working at two Big 4's gives me lots of experience with a variety of different clients, wants and needs, and many different internal managers. This all resulted in different understandings of what a penetration Test is. So I wrote this one to  consider that maybe we need a completely new term to fix things.