Hi All,
A friend of mine wrote a bash script for nmap. I stole it and modified it.
So here they are, will explain what they do and hopefully
the syntax works.
#add IPs
#discovery script
for (( i=0; i < totalIPs; i++)); do
echo "[+] Testing $(($i+1)) / $totalIPs"
nmap -p1-65535 -vv --max-rate 1000 -Pn -oA –-script discovery ${IPs[$i]} ${IPs[$i]}
#nmap -T2 -F -vv -Pn -oA ${IPs[$i]} ${IPs[$i]}
echo "[+] Scan complete"
Tested: and it works. really annoying to have to go to source add the tags :(.
Any how: explanation of the syntax:
Effectively it takes IP addresses and places them into nmap. It creates nmap output individually for each IP.
It searches all ports, assumes they are up (-Pn), ouputs to all formats and runs the script discovery.
I have more but for now its to test the syntax Highlighting.
Am currently downloading Visual Studio express as @troyhunt linked http://plugins.live.com/writer/detail/paste-from-visual-studio. This allows copy paste direct from VS.
Hopefully it works as intended with the Blogger infrastructure underneath Live writer… eep!
Another thing, spell checker wants to spell check the code :( :(!
Wish me luck
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